2020 annual reports on the French urban guided transport fleet, traffic and operating events

The latest 2020 annual reports on the French urban guided transport fleet, traffic and operating events are available:

The 2020 annual reports on the French fleet, traffic and operating events of guided public transport lines operated according to the “driving-on-sight” principle when interfacing with third parties has been published. This report presents the results from the use of the “national tramway events database” for 2020, as well as the changes in accident rates over the past ten years.

2020 annual report on the tramway fleet, traffic and events (link to Balise)

The 2020 Metros - RER events report presents some general data on the fleet and traffic of metro and RER systems (excluding RFN) in operation, as well as a summary of data on events affecting operating safety, based on information provided by operators, for 2011-2020, with a particular focus on 2020.

2020 annual report on the metros and RER fleet, traffic and events (link to Balise)

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