Implementation guide on requirements applicable to ARTS operational safety management systems (EN)
An operational safety management system (SMS) is a set of rules, procedures and methods to be implemented by the operator of an ARTS to achieve safety objectives on an ongoing basis. This application guide explains the requirements applicable to these SMS.
It is intended for all professionals in the automated road transport sector.
The purpose of this guide is to clarify and explain applicable safety regulations. It formalises the agreed expectations of the STRMTG and the profession, thus providing a framework to facilitate the work of professionals. It is not regulatory in nature, but observance of its provisions can be seen as an indication of compliance with the regulatory requirements and/or the suitability of the approach adopted.
Its provisions are limited to the safety of the vehicle occupants and third parties with regard to system operation.
This document was prepared by the national ARTS SGS working group created by STRMTG.
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