The role of STRMTG as a notified body

STRMTG has been a notified body since January 2003.

It was appointed by the French government as the only notified body in France for conformity assessment of cableway installation safety subsystems and components.

Since January 2003, it has implemented the conformity assessment procedures in European Directive 2000/9/EC on cableway installations designed to carry persons and since June 2018, those in Regulation (EU) 2016/424.


STRMTG-ON assesses conformity with the essential safety requirements of Regulation (EU) 2016/424 for safety components and subsystems, including:

  • mechanical subsystems (cabins, seats, pulleys, roller batteries, tow-hangers, ropes, tensioning systems, brakes, station safety devices, etc.)
  • electrical subsystems (control-command architecture, safety groups, radio controls, etc.)

Depending on assessment modules B, D, F, G or H1 :


The manufacturer can choose between the following modules to obtain certification:
- Module B: EU-type examination (Annex III of Regulation 2016/424) + Module D: Production quality assurance (Annex IV of Regulation 2016/424)
- Module B: EU-type examination (Annex III of Regulation 2016/424) + Module F: Product verification (Annex V of regulation 2016/424)
- Module G: Unit verification (Annex VI of regulation 2016/424)
- Module H1: Full quality assurance plus design examination (Annex VII of regulation 2016/424)

The services are generally carried out in 2 phases:

  • a technical assessment based on the documents provided by the manufacturer that justify the design: drawings, design calculations, safety study, specifications file, design file, functional and normative test reports, assembly, adjustment and maintenance instructions, etc. (Modules B, G, F and H1)
  • an assessment at the manufacturer’s premises, using audit techniques to examine its quality system in the design, manufacturing, final inspection and testing phases of the safety subsystems and components. (Modules D and H1)

STRMTG-ON involvement applies only to safety components and subsystems, not infrastructure or the entire installation.

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